
Seven Tips for Creating a Regular Meditation Practice

This post provides information on the benefits of meditation and how to start and maintain a meditation practice.

There are many ways to meditate like using a mantra or a repeated phrase, mindful eating or walking, focusing on the breath, and many others. It doesn’t matter much which meditation style you choose. Dawson Church, EFT practitioner, author of Bliss Brain, and the founder of Eco Meditation, suggests that the most important work of meditation is acknowledging when you get distracted and consciously shifting your mind back to focus.

What is meditation?

Meditation is the act of bringing your attention to one thing, whether that is focusing on your breath, repeating a mantra, following someone’s voice in a guided meditation, walking a labyrinth, or chanting a sacred word or phrase, to name but a few examples.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation has myriad physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. It reduces cortisol and epinephrine in the body, chemicals that lower immunity over time. Brain research confirms that meditating even for a few minutes per day makes a significant difference in your ability to cope, be resilient, your quality of sleep, and in your stress response.

Set an intention

Intention setting is powerful because it signals to the Spirit realm your willingness to see things differently. All it takes to put forgiveness in motion is a little willingness. So, intentions are more than goals, they join you with your Higher Teacher. 

When you set an intention, you combine your desire to be a partner in your healing with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Quantum physics has found that our thoughts can influence animate and inanimate objects. The same holds in your life. Whatever you put loving thoughts or positive energy toward has a greater chance of coming to fruition. 

You can influence your emotional, physical, and spiritual state by setting intentions.

Tell the universe that you want to be successful in meditating! It will help!!

Tips for starting and maintaining a meditation practice

It can be daunting to start and maintain a steady meditation practice, so here are some tips that have helped me:

  • Prepare a space. Set up a place in your home/room where you will always meditate. Have the cushions or whatever you need all set up there so you don’t have to do anything but put yourself there. By consistently meditating in the same place every day you start to create an energetic imprint that makes meditation easier and easier. Sounds funny, but it’s true!
  • Set a consistent time. Find a time during the day when it is most likely for you to be able to meditate regularly, and stick to that time. Studies show that if you repeat an activity for 40 consecutive days it becomes a habit in your life.
  • Choose a style that works for you. There are many different ways to meditate, and I encourage you to try different styles. Here are a few ideas: 1. focus on the breath; 2. silently repeat a mantra or seed sound (for instance, “OM”, or “Love is all around me”); 3. center your attention on your heart; 4. use guided meditation audio recordings (you can search the web and find lots); 5. chant aloud one of the many names of God (Yahweh, Allah, etc). Once you have found a meditation style that works for you, stick with it.
  • Don’t sweat the details. If it works for you to meditate lying down, do it that way (but try not to fall asleep). If it works to be in a certain yoga pose, do it that way. Find a comfortable position that works for you and stick with it. Many meditation guides insist that you need to sit upright. But if it means you will be uncomfortable, and therefore not want to meditate, it doesn’t make sense for you. I have a back problem, and I find meditating in a semi-reclining yoga pose works the best for me.
  • Keep trying! I have wanted to meditate regularly for over a decade, but for some reason, I had huge resistance to doing it. Finally last spring I took a course on spirituality and brain science that drove home to me the benefits of meditating — for your brain health, relationships, mental health, longevity, blood pressure, and so many other things. I realized there was no way I could not do it. So I started meditating, and haven’t stopped.
  • Get help! Ask for help from your higher power, the Angels, or the Divine Meditators of the Universe. This really works! Asking for divine help puts out an energetic request to the spiritual realm that won’t be ignored. Begin each meditation session with a brief prayer and ask for help meditating successfully. Be surprised!

Meditating is one of the keys to a steady self-care practice. Consistently setting aside time to quiet your mind has far-reaching benefits. Give it a try!

Join me!

If the ideas in this post resonate with you then you might be interested in learning about my offerings. I offer Sacred Self-Healingcoachingmeditations, and frequency healing classes, and I would love to connect with you!

Try the Sacred Self-Healing Method!

If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

Sign up for a group or individual session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in her BooksClick here for more information.

Check out this powerful frequency device

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Healy can be used to magnify your intention and to get the most out of your life. Check out this post for more about Healy. And this post for some tips and tricks for Healy.

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor.

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