How did Betsy become a sacred healer?

Betsy holds the Wounded Healer archetype, and so she teaches what she has learned through suffering. Her path of spiritual healing led her from natural childbirth to Waldorf Education, from spiritual mentoring to Sound Healing, from aromatherapy to A Course In Miracles, and from mindfulness to the study of Divinity.

Betsy’s daughter has a neuroimmune illness, and through searching for ways to alleviate her symptoms she learned how to enter Sacred Space, met her Guides, and began sharing what she learned in her books.

Betsy has provided one-on-one spiritual mentoring to individuals and groups; produced and marketed a CD and ritual kit for women’s sacred circle; volunteered for a menstrual advocacy organization, and served as an Advisory Board Member and presenter at Circle of Grace from 2011-2015.

As Betsy’s expertise grew she began offering caregiver support coaching, A Course In Miracles coaching, sacred death-care services, and Sacred Self-Healing.

What was Betsy’s religious path?

Betsy grew up in Minneapolis, MN in the United Church of Christ (UCC). In her twenties, she rejected a male God in favor of the Divine Feminine. She married a non-practicing Jew and considered converting to Judaism in her thirties. She became intrigued with mysticism, and in my forties, she studied sound healing and took part in Sufi Zikr. Betsy’s spiritual direction training was Interfaith, and when she began Divinity school at fifty she reconnected with her childhood faith before diving deeply into sacred healing.

What are Betsy’s spiritual beliefs?

Betsy believes that this world we live in is an illusion, and we are working toward going home to God through forgiveness. Opportunities for us to heal present themselves all the time. We can connect with the benevolent Divine healing entities who want to support us and ask for their help because we have free will. The ultimate healing comes when we forgive the illusion, and return to Oneness. But while we are here in a body we can feel better, experience more peace, and get along with others with greater ease, by aligning with our Divine purpose.

What is Betsy’s educational background?

Betsy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Middlebury College, a Spiritual Direction Certificate from Spirations Institute of Interspiritual Formation, a certificate in Sound Healing through Kay Grace / Energy Express, a certificate in Aromatherapy from Jodi Baglein, LLC, and an M.Div degree from University of Metaphysical Sciences.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is a form of energy therapy based on vibrational frequencies found to have a positive effect on organs and tissues, as well as brainwave activity, which can change the way a person feels and lives in the world. It can induce a state of calm, boost the function of the immune system, and resolve emotional and mental difficulties.

What is chakra healing?

Chakras are energy centers in the body. The seven main Chakras correspond with nerve centers and they are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Betsy balances the chakras using a novel co-creative healing modality that uses a combination of intuition, light, and sound healing.

What about regular medical treatment?

Western or allopathic medical treatment holds a valuable place in healthcare. Spiritual healing can augment other healing modalities.

Is Betsy a psychic?

Betsy is very intuitive and can access information from unseen realms, but she doesn’t consider herself to be a psychic.

What are Betsy’s spiritual practices?

Betsy practices sound healing every day, and it helps her to feel grounded and balanced. She also walks, practices yoga, Pranayama (breath yoga), gratitude, and forgiveness, and meditates every day.

What is a healing session with Betsy like?

Betsy provides both in-person and remote healing sessions. During a healing session, Betsy connects with Spirit and obtains information about imbalances in your body and energy field. She directs healing to you using her voice, and a current of healing energy. If given, she also provides verbal guidance from your Spirit helpers and strategies for making the most of the healing that has been called for you.

During a healing session, you might notice you feel relaxed and warm, you might see colors or images, or you might become sleepy, or feel energized. You may notice a shift in your mood or your energy, during or in the days following the session.

What is remote healing?

During a remote healing session, Betsy connects with your energy without being physically present. While the healing takes place you can meditate, or quietly tune into your body. After assessing your needs and calling sacred healing for you Betsy will email you any guidance received on your behalf.

What is the cost of a session?

Sessions cost $100 for 60 minutes. You may pay Betsy by Venmo or PayPal.

How can I schedule a session with Betsy?

If you are interested in scheduling a session, please complete the New Client Form and schedule here.

What should I expect after a session?

As with any type of energy work, be gentle with yourself, drink extra water, take a nap if you need one, and allow feelings to pass through.

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