Go to your happy place

This post discusses a meditation technique for going to your happy place. Unpleasant stuff happens One meditation technique that has helped me as a caregiver (and in regular life) is going to my happy place. Sometimes it’s not possible to avoid negative events, people, or energies. Unpleasant stuff will happen, so it is good to […]

Essential Oils for Divination

This post discusses using essential oils for divination. What is aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is a holistic healing modality reputed to be over 6000 years old. Aromatherapy is a type of frequency that works on the physical, emotional, and energetic levels all at once, and it can be used to reduce stress, muscle tension, pain, and inflammation, […]

Discovering Your Energetic Connection with Crystals

This post provides a method for discovering your energetic connection with crystals using guided meditation. The human body is very similar to crystals, but because we are mostly comprised of water, we are more like “liquid crystals.” Your cells and even your DNA molecules mimic the crystalline structure and allow for every part of our […]

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