This post tells the story of my journey to releasing the throat chakra and speaking truth.
Navigating Caregiving Stress
This post discusses caregiving stress, and how I made sense of my caregiving journey.
Free Will and Spiritual Healing
This post discusses the concept of free will in the context of spiritual healing. The question of free will Here is a question I received from a sacred healing client recently, that helps explain how free will operates in spiritual healing. Q: Can I call healing for someone I love who doesn’t know I am […]
Balance Your Chakras Using Crystals
This post discusses how to balance your chakras using crystals.
Discovering Your Energetic Connection with Crystals
This post provides a method for discovering your energetic connection with crystals using guided meditation. The human body is very similar to crystals, but because we are mostly comprised of water, we are more like “liquid crystals.” Your cells and even your DNA molecules mimic the crystalline structure and allow for every part of our […]