across the veil constellations

Across the Veil Constellations Update

This post provides an update on the recent workshop I attended on Across the Veil Constellations in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Across the Veil Constellations

Early in November, I attended Sarah Kerr’s workshop on Across the Veil Constellations in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It was an amazing weekend of connection with Sacred Deathcare practitioners, and the constellation process itself was incredible.

Across the Veil ​Constellations is a transformative ritual practice facilitated by ​Dr. Sarah Kerr, Ph.D. It focuses on learning and healing related to the soul’s journey in the afterlife, death, and loss. These constellations offer an experiential confirmation of the afterlife and can help ease concerns or anxiety about death. The practice aims to bring comfort, peace, and connection between living participants and their deceased loved ones. It can also provide clarity about the dying process for those who work with dying individuals and their families.

In a constellation, a group is guided through a somatic and experiential process to explore a specific issue. The practice allows individuals to gain new perspectives on the mysteries of living and dying. Specific topics that can be explored in Across the Veil Constellations include unresolved grief, issues of estrangement or conflict before death, unfinished conversations with deceased loved ones, questions about the afterlife, abortion or miscarriage, pet death, death anxiety, and more.

The practice aims to bring healing and insight to various death-related questions and situations, and it can be especially beneficial for death doulas and end-of-life practitioners, as it deepens their embodied relationship with the dying process, enhances their confidence, and equips them with language to support others in navigating death and loss.

How constellations work

During the Across the Veil Constellations workshop participants took turns bringing forth a topic to work on, and we did about six constellations over the weekend workshop. Each constellation went deeply into an experience related to death and lasted between 1-2 hours, as we created the energetic movement needed to shift the issue being represented in the constellation.

Each constellation was based on a real-life issue from a participant, or subject. A representative was chosen to stand in for the subject in the constellation, and other participants were chosen to represent various roles relating to the subject. The subject sat watching the representatives create the movements that were called for by the souls present in the field.

For the subject, it was an emotional process of seeing their issue acted out. Many of the subjects needed extra emotional support during the process, and Sarah was attentive to each subject’s needs. As the facilitator, Sarah also asked questions of the representatives, so that they could articulate what they were being called to do, how they felt physically, and what support they needed. Throughout the constellation process, each representative was held in a safe space to act out the soul they were representing without compromising their own physical or emotional safety. Sarah facilitated the process with the utmost regard for each participant’s safety, as well as the integrity of the field.

My constellation experience

Right from the first constellation, the process was profound and deeply healing. Each constellation held archetypal roles and significance, so each participant was touched by the process on a soul level, even when serving as a witness. Due to confidentiality, I will only talk about my own experience of the process. Here is my Across the Veil constellation:

My grandma died in 2020. She had moved to a distant state for the last ten years of her life, and I didn’t see her for those last ten years. When she moved away I felt like my grandma emotionally died and left my life. We had been close throughout my childhood, and up until that point. I grieved that I could no longer see her. The situation was made more difficult because of rifts in the family, and when I called my grandma on the phone she easily got upset and hung up the phone. At the same time, I was the full-time caregiver for my two chronically ill daughters, so I couldn’t go visit my grandma. And on top of that, there was a disagreement about money and she disowned my dad a few years before she died. This left me and my sisters disowned too.

Each constellation begins with setting an intention about the issue, and Sarah helped guide me to set an attainable intention. While I wanted healing for my relationship with my grandma, there was no guarantee that her soul would be willing to show up for the constellation, or if she would want the same healing I wanted. So Sarah guided me to I set the intention to come into right-relationship with my grandma. Then I provided a brief sketch of the situation. I said that my grandma had moved away ten years before she died; I hadn’t seen her and felt estranged from her; that I missed her, and she had disowned my dad (and his children) before she died.

Then I chose a participant to represent me in the constellation, and someone to represent my grandma. These people stood in the center of the circle and began to orient themselves based on the energetic information coming from the field. The representative for my “grandma” went to the far side of the circle, facing away from “me” and projected a posture of armoring. She spoke about never being shown how to love and needing to put on armor to protect herself. She said she felt deeply uncomfortable and lost.

Over the next 90 minutes, there were subtle shifts in the representatives’ positions as they acted out the soul movements coming through the field. Sarah guided each representative to articulate what they could see and feel in the constellation, and initially my “grandma” couldn’t see me. With the support of psychopomp beings and the structure of the safe container of the constellation, a startling story was acted out.

In real life, my grandma had been given Twilight Sleep (Scolopolimine) during my dad’s birth. I knew from researching the drug that it completely cut off a birthing woman from her body and mind. Many women who were given Twilight Sleep felt they psychically died during the birthing process. And so many women had adverse experiences that the drug was later found to be contraindicated for birth and discontinued.

My grandma had told me her birth story, and she said she was unable to leave the hospital for a month afterward because her body had been so torn up and exhausted. She couldn’t hold my dad for at least a week after the birth, and I always felt this experience impacted their ability to bond as mother and child.

Without knowing anything about my family dynamics, or my father’s birth, during the constellation, the representative for my “grandma” went into labor to give birth to my dad. She talked about how alone she felt, and how much emotional and physical pain she was in during the birth. She screamed about the terrible taste in her mouth from the drug she was given, and how she felt dead. My “dad” came into the world isolated from his mother and in terrible psychic pain.

As this played out, representatives in the constellation were designated as support figures for my grandma, my dad, and me. With adequate support my “dad” was supported to bond with my “grandma”, my “grandma” articulated that she loved my dad, and later she said that she loved “me” too.

How the constellation felt

As the subject of the constellation, it was an emotional rollercoaster. I wept seeing how armored my grandma was. I cried when my “dad” was born, seeing how isolated he was, and I saw how my grandma had been a victim of the healthcare system in which she gave birth. Her soul had seemingly died during my dad’s birth, and she had never reconnected to her soul during the remainder of her life. My dad had been estranged from his mom from birth, and their relationship had suffered from their emotional disconnection.

What I saw acted out was a healing where the representative for my grandma got the support that had been missing during my dad’s birth. She was supported to bond with him, and he was supported to bond with his mother. My intention was achieved as I came into right relationship with my grandma (and my dad), and healing happened at a soul level between the three of us. I felt bathed in a deep warm feeling of love that I’d never felt from my grandma in real life. Though I’d known that my grandma loved me, the depth of love that I felt come through the field was orders of magnitude greater.

As the constellation concluded I felt exhausted. My soul had been present in the circle, and a representative had held and created the movements of my soul as information was transmitted through the field. It was a profound experience of seeing soul dynamics acted out in the field that the “actors” couldn’t have known. They somehow intuited the dynamic and acted out soul movements to bring the system into right relationship.

The workshop had a napping corner — a space for people to rest after experiencing such deep and exhausting work. After the constellation concluded I rested in the napping corner, feeling integration occur as these soul movements became part of me.

At other times during the workshop, I participated in other constellations as representatives for other subject’s issues. I felt what it was like to represent a soul dynamic, and how my body was nudged to create movements that brought healing to the system. And I also served as a witness for several constellations, watching the dynamics unfold in front of me. Sarah was an expert at facilitating constellations, knowing when to bring in additional representatives, and supportive roles, and when to ask the needed questions to articulate what was being felt or acted out.

The big meaning

Attending the Across the Veil Constellations workshop was a symbolic act for my Sacred Deathcare practice. As I mentioned in my coming out post, I attended it to connect with a community of like-minded Sacred Deathcare providers, and to talk about the stuff we do as if it is normal. I want to feel myself surrounded by my peers and take in that my work is legitimate. And I wanted to claim my role as a Sacred Deathcare provider.

I left the workshop having moved through personal obstacles I hadn’t realized were there. When I came to the workshop I hadn’t understood that questions about my worthiness still held me back from speaking my truth. By sharing my needs at the workshop, and facing my feelings of unworthiness, I made great strides into my role as a Sacred Deathcare provider.

I’m excited to attend more Across the Veil Constellations workshops, and I’m signed up for Sarah Kerr’s upcoming class called After the Last Breath. Sarah’s classes have shaped who I am as a Sacred Deathcare provider, and I am so grateful for her wisdom!

Join me!

If the ideas in this post resonate with you then you might be interested in learning about my offerings. I offer Sacred Self-Healingcoachingmeditations, and frequency healing classes, and I would love to connect with you!


The Sacred Self-Healing Method relies on the power of intention. Intentions are more than goals, but your co-creative participation in your life path and healing. By setting an intention you add your desire to be a partner in your destiny, in combination with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Whether you are setting an intention for a successful root canal, for finding a great new job, or for a business meeting to go well, the act of putting forethought about the outcome into the process can be a powerful tool.

Intention is the driving force behind any energy healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to prayer.

The universal equation for healing is:

Intention + Frequency = Healing

The “frequency” part of the equation is whatever healing modality is being used.

Intention can be used in health healing, job search, fitness, relationships, and pretty much everything.

This post has more information on the power of intention.

Try the Sacred Self-Healing Method!

If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

Take a class!

Betsy offers experiential Classes so you can learn the Sacred Self-Healing Method yourself. Click the link for more information.

Sign up for a group or individual session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in her BooksClick here for more information.

Check out this powerful frequency device

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Healy can be used to magnify your intention and to get the most out of your life. Check out this post for more about Healy. And this post for some tips and tricks for Healy.

Buy my books on Sacred Self-Healing!

My books are available here.

Listen to my free recordings!

Check them out for free here on my YouTube channel.

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor. 

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