This post provides a method for discovering your energetic connection with crystals using guided meditation.
The human body is very similar to crystals, but because we are mostly comprised of water, we are more like “liquid crystals.” Your cells and even your DNA molecules mimic the crystalline structure and allow for every part of our body to communicate with the other parts instantaneously. Communication occurs nearly instantly through a liquid crystal medium in your neural networks between and among your cells. You can learn how crystals resonate with your specific frequency using the technique below.
Table of Contents
What are crystals?
Crystals are stones comprised of atoms arranged in regular patterns. They can hold and emit energy because of these properties. When put under pressure, some crystals emit light. Crystals are used to transmit radio waves, in the memory components of computers, watches, and clocks because they provide stability to the flow of electromagnetic energy. Crystals can be used to cleanse or take away negative energies. They can be used to activate parts of the body and to maintain a certain vibratory level. Crystals can also be used with sound to initiate healing.
Intentions are more than goals, but your co-creative participation in your life path and healing. By setting an intention you add your desire to be a partner in your destiny, in combination with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Whether you are setting an intention for a successful root canal, for finding a great new job, or for a business meeting to go well, the act of putting forethought about the outcome into the process can be a powerful tool.
Intention is the driving force behind any energy healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to prayer.
The universal equation for healing is:
Intention + Frequency = Healing
The “frequency” part of the equation is whatever healing modality is being used.
Intention can be used in health healing, job search, fitness, relationships, and pretty much everything.
This post has more information on the power of intention.
Discovering your connection with crystals
Choose a crystal or rock you have at home, one that is between the size of a pebble and a golf ball, and not sharp-edged or too precious. The stone you use for these meditations could fall onto the floor, so choose a stone that is not going to injure you or shatter if it is dropped. It is nice to use tumbled stones such as rose quartz, carnelian, rhodochrosite, tiger eye, clear quartz, malachite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, or citrine. But for this exercise, you don’t need to know what the stone is, or its properties, because you will be getting to know its raw energy. So you can use any stone you have found or already have. Gather any pillows or blankets you need to lie comfortably on the floor and have your journal and pen handy nearby.
Lie on your back and make sure you are comfortably supported. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Imagine that your body is grounded into the earth with roots extending from your spine. Breathe for several minutes as you allow your limbs to become heavy and relaxed.
You will be placing the stone on your chakras. Beginning with the root chakra, place the stone at the bottom-most point of your pubic bone, between your legs, or on the floor under your thighs. It doesn’t matter where it is, as long as it is an inch or so south of your torso. Focus on your breath and notice what arises in your mind’s eye. If you are a visual person, you might see a landscape, colors, shapes, etc. If you are a kinesthetic meditator, you might experience a sensation in your body associated with the position of the stone, what it feels like to be in a certain place in nature, etc. If you are an auditory meditator, you might hear a particular sound. You might experience emotions, scents, and so on. Just breathe in a relaxed fashion, don’t force anything to happen, and notice what arises. You may not “see” anything at first, but later when you move the stone to another location, you might notice a contrast. Note in your journal what you experienced.
Next, move the stone to the second chakra, located just above your pubic bone. Again, relax, breathe for a few minutes, and notice what you “see.” Note any differences between the first and second positions of the stone. If you like, you can move the stone back to the root chakra, and see if you can identify a qualitative difference between the two chakras. Take note of your findings in your journal.
Now, move the stone to the third chakra, the solar plexus, located a few inches above your navel. Follow the same steps, relaxing into having the stone in this new position. Note anything that comes up.
Continue to explore having the stone on each of the remaining chakras: heart (middle of the chest), throat (between your clavicle and your Adam’s apple), third eye (middle of your forehead), and crown. For the crown, place the stone on the floor or on the pillow above the top of your head.
When you have finished look at your notes and create a drawing, collage, watercolor painting, or another type of artistic representation of the experience of having the stone at each chakra.
Getting to know aquamarine
In The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall says of aquamarine, “Spiritually, Aquamarine sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. A wonderful stone for meditation, it invokes high states of consciousness and spiritual awareness and encourages service to humanity.”
For me, aquamarine aids in connection with my spiritual guides. I wear an aquamarine pendant almost all the time because it feels like a tangible connection with my Source, aiding in receiving guidance, and being true to my calling. When I wear aquamarine I feel a greater sense of calm and lightness.
This watercolor painting below was done following chakra meditation with an aquamarine crystal.

Crown – Silver/blue mist; connection with spirit.
Third eye – Sunshine on water, pure joy.
Throat – Floating on the sun-dappled surface of a lake; playful and carefree.
Heart – Blue currents below the surface of the water; energy and movement.
Solar Plexus – Immersion in dark blue water; deep physical relaxation.
Sacral – Solid stone; dark, crystalline silence.
Root – Merged with the earth.
More examples
This post provides another example of getting to know a crystal in meditation.
And this post discusses smoky quartz.
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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor.