free will

Free Will and Spiritual Healing

This post discusses the concept of free will in the context of spiritual healing.

The question of free will

Here is a question I received from a sacred healing client recently, that helps explain how free will operates in spiritual healing.

Q: Can I call healing for someone I love who doesn’t know I am doing it?

A: Every human being is endowed with free will. When calling healing for another person you must first determine whether the individual is willing to accept spiritual healing. By using your higher-self sign, a pendulum, or your intuition, ask whether this person is willing to receive healing. If the answer is “no,” then calling healing for them won’t have an effect, and moreover it is disrespectful to that person because it ignores their free will.

What is free will?

Free will is about each person maintaining their personal sovereignty. The term “free will” has been the impetus for philosophical questions about self-determination, moral responsibility, and human dignity. It basically amounts to having control over your own mind. Every human being is endowed with free will: You make the final decisions in your life, and nobody can alter that, whether Divine or otherwise.

Within the context of Sacred Self-Healing, you need free will in order to directly connect to your Source. Free will is about being clear about what you want to achieve with the help of the Spirit. And you need to spell out exactly what you want to achieve with sacred healing to have healthy boundaries.


The Sacred Self-Healing Method relies on the power of intention. Intentions are more than goals, but your co-creative participation in your life path and healing. By setting an intention you add your desire to be a partner in your destiny, in combination with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Whether you are setting an intention for a successful root canal, for finding a great new job, or for a business meeting to go well, the act of putting forethought about the outcome into the process can be a powerful tool.

Intention is the driving force behind any energy healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to prayer.

The universal equation for healing is:

Intention + Frequency = Healing

The “frequency” part of the equation is whatever healing modality is being used.

Intention can be used in health healing, job search, fitness, relationships, and pretty much everything.

This post has more information on the power of intention.

You need to ask for help

Divine helpers surround you and want to make your life easier. Because you have free will, they can’t help you unless you ask. By asking for Divine help, you give Divine beings permission to help you and you make clear to the Spirit realm that you are consciously choosing their help.

What about someone else’s free will?

Not everyone is interested in sacred healing, and you can’t call sacred healing for someone unless you have their consent.

Why wouldn’t someone want to receive spiritual healing? Someone who doesn’t want to accept spiritual healing might be cut off from their Source, or not believe in spiritual healing, or be hurting so badly they don’t want to, or can’t imagine, feeling better. If someone doesn’t want sacred healing you must respect that is their choice.

The way to know whether it’s okay to call sacred healing for someone else is to (1) ask the person’s permission directly, or (2) ask the person’s Guides for permission.

Whatever you get for the answer must be respected.

A caveat

The answer you get from someone’s Guides can change over time. You cannot change a person’s refusal of spiritual healing. But it is possible to communicate with the person’s Guides surrounding the person, acknowledging that the person is refusing spiritual healing, and asking if there is any healing that the person can accept.

I run into this situation often when I am working with a family member or friend asking for healing on behalf of their loved one. If the loved one is a minor child whom you have legal authority over, then it’s okay to ask for healing for that person. But if the person is an emancipated adult, you can’t call sacred healing for the person unless you get their permission first.

When I check in with the person’s higher self and I get a “no,” I inform my client that I’m hearing that their loved one can’t receive sacred healing at this time. Then I ask to connect with the person’s Guides, the team of Divine beings who support them, for more information. Sometimes the person is willing to accept sacred healing if it is transmitted to them through their Guides. So I communicate with the person’s Guides and determine what frequencies to send to the person, and then I ask the person’s Guides to take care of disseminating those frequencies to the person in their own right timing, in a way that they can receive the healing.

Free will is the ultimate answer

Free will is ultimately the only thing that you can control. With free will, you can say “no” to things that would be helpful, even if they are in your highest good.

Your higher self can’t speak or act on behalf of another person; each person must decide on their own that they want to heal, or change, or feel better.

Join me!

If the ideas in this post resonate with you then you might be interested in learning about my offerings. I offer Sacred Self-Healingcoachingmeditations, and frequency healing classes, and I would love to connect with you!

Try the Sacred Self-Healing Method!

If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

Sign up for a group or individual session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in her BooksClick here for more information.

Check out this powerful frequency device

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Healy can be used to magnify your intention and to get the most out of your life. Check out this post for more about Healy. And this post for some tips and tricks for Healy.

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor. 

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