introduction to sound healing

Introduction to Sound Healing

This post provides an introduction to sound healing.

“People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song.” Hafiz (1320-1390)

Sound healing is universal

“What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whole being is music: our mind and body, the nature in which we live, the nature which has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music.” – Hazrat Inyat Khan (Sufi Master, 1882-1927)

Making sound is a universal part of many faith traditions:

African tribal chant
Buddhist chant
Byzantine chant
Coptic chant
Gregorian chant
Jewish sacred chant
Native American chant
Pasaba (Filipino) chant
Plainchant (Hildegard of Bingen)
Plainsong (Eastern Orthodox)
Shamanic chant
Sufi Zikr
Vedic chant

What is sound healing?

  • Sound Healing is both an energy healing modality, as well as a spiritual practice
  • You can look at it as “living prayer”
  • You can consider it a way of partnering with the Divine
  • Sound healing can be done with the voice (easy, no equipment) humming, singing, chanting, drum, digeridoo, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks or bells, and more!
  • Harmonics add complexity to the sound and increase the healing power
  • Sound Healing is even happening when you sing in the shower or play the music that makes you feel good!

The science behind sound healing

The physiological and health-giving mechanisms behind the practice of sound healing are universally encoded in humans. We are hard-wired to hear the range of pitches produced by the human voice and to have common emotional responses to those sounds. Ancient musical chant scales produce universal corresponding emotional states. When one hears certain musical scales or harmonic patterns, the brain communicates to the autonomic nervous system that the body is safe, and our bodies respond by relaxing vagal (heart) nerves. By and large, the music that we like to listen to contains the health-giving harmonic combinations our body craves; it’s why listening to music makes us feel good. The practice of sound healing can be done easily with the voice, but also with metal or crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, digeridoo, or other instruments, and can be practiced by itself, or in combination with prayer or other spiritual practices. Sound Healing also has implications for musicology, music therapy, and auditory processing.

Sound healing in action

I have been using sound healing as a daily spiritual practice since 2010. I was trained by local sound healer Kay Grace. My daily practice centers around toning or chanting the vowel sounds. I set an intention and then tone one or any number of the vowel sounds which correspond to our chakras

UH – root chakra
OOO – sacral chakra
OH – solar plexus – chakra
AH – heart chakra
EYE – throat chakra
AYE – third eye
EEE – crown chakra

By toning each of these vowel sounds you give each of your chakras an energetic massage. This in turn clears out the stagnant energy associated with that chakra and extends that energetic massage to all of the organs, bones and tissues of the body associated with each of the chakras. You can even change the color of your aura by using sound.

Over the years of using Sound Healing I experienced profound changes in my ability to express myself aloud, in groups, and I “claimed my voice”. As I child I was too shy to speak in class. Now I’m able to present to groups and lead classes. It would not have been possible without sound healing.

A few years ago I knew I would be leaving my job and I wanted help knowing which direction to go next. I set the intention to “Joyfully move toward God’s plan for me.” Over several months I frequently returned to this intention while I practiced my daily sound healing.

One day in 2016, while on my lunch break, I decided to directly set an intention to receive guidance about what I was to do next for my vocation. I toned the chakras, silently repeating my intention as I walked slowly in moving meditation. As I turned the corner to return to my workplace I heard an unmistakable voice say “Hospice chaplaincy”. Instantly I was flooded with a sense of the rightness of purpose and returned to work full of gratitude for the message I had been given.

Starting on a path toward hospice chaplaincy turned out to be the first step toward my vocation, and over time I adjusted to what I was being called to do. But even though the message I received didn’t reflect the final outcome, it was what I needed to head in the direction of my calling.


The Sacred Self-Healing Method relies on the power of intention. Intentions are more than goals, but your co-creative participation in your life path and healing. By setting an intention you add your desire to be a partner in your destiny, in combination with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Whether you are setting an intention for a successful root canal, for finding a great new job, or for a business meeting to go well, the act of putting forethought about the outcome into the process can be a powerful tool.

Intention is the driving force behind any energy healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to prayer.

The universal equation for healing is:

Intention + Frequency = Healing

The “frequency” part of the equation is whatever healing modality is being used.

Intention can be used in health healing, job search, fitness, relationships, and pretty much everything.

This post has more information on the power of intention.

Join me!

If the ideas in this post resonate with you then you might be interested in learning about my offerings. I offer Sacred Self-Healingcoachingmeditations, and frequency healing classes, and I would love to connect with you!

Try the Sacred Self-Healing Method!

If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

Sign up for a group or individual session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in her BooksClick here for more information.

Check out this powerful frequency device

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Healy can be used to magnify your intention and to get the most out of your life. Check out this post for more about Healy. And this post for some tips and tricks for Healy.

Buy my books!

My books are available here.

Listen to my recordings!

Check them out for free here on my YouTube channel.

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor.

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