releasing the throat chakra

Releasing the Throat Chakra and Speaking Truth

This post tells the story of my journey to releasing the throat chakra and speaking truth in 2019.

What is the throat chakra?

The throat chakra is about speaking your truth. I began life with a very constricted throat chakra, and as a child, I was extremely shy and afraid of speaking with adults, teachers, or anyone else in authority. Throughout my schooling and up until the time I was in my forties, I was terrified of using my voice aloud in public.

Birth energy

In 2001 singers and songwriters, Trish and Richard Bruxvoort Colligan asked me to take part in the recording of their “Birth Energy” song, which was part of a birth-themed music CD they produced while Trish was pregnant with their son. Their invitation scared me – something in me was so broken or closed-off that I felt I would “die” if I participated in the recording. But somehow, painful as it was, I did it, and I am grateful I had the opportunity.

A few years later, I worked with the couple again to record a CD of music for women’s ritual which I produced. But again, on the day we were supposed to record my voice, I got sick and didn’t make it to the recording session. My body put the brakes on the project.

Sound healing for releasing the throat chakra

Since that time, I studied sound healing and sacred chant with a couple of Minneapolis sound healing practitioners. Through that process, I realized my throat chakra was blocked, keeping me from freely using my voice. I began a daily practice of toning the chakras and consciously worked on healing the blockage at my throat chakra.

At the school where I worked for eleven years, the staff regularly sang together during our staff meetings. As the years of sound healing began to accumulate, I realized I began to feel more confident singing. I was surprised that one day a colleague commented that I “had a nice voice.”

Now I successfully use my voice in public and outward ways, and I celebrate how far I’ve come; it’s a testament to the power of intention and the healing energy of sound. I still get choked up sometimes when I’m upset or nervous. But I know that I can tone my chakras, or hum quietly to myself, to regain the power of my voice.

Finally releasing the throat chakra and sharing my voice

In 2019 I wrote a book on spiritual healing. It occurred to me that the project needed an audio component so that readers could hear the sound healing demonstrations, experience the guided meditations, and chant along with the mantras I was writing about. Again, the terror of sharing my voice resurfaced, but this time, I was completely sure I wanted to do it.

I got back in touch with Trish and Richard, who welcomed the project. Though it took weeks of forgiveness work beforehand to clear myself of my fears and to be ready to record my voice, it all came together for the recordings. Richard came to Minneapolis and he gently midwifed me through the process of spoken word and chant recording. Sharing my voice in this way was healing, empowering, and fun! I was so glad I had done it.

I am indebted to Richard and Trish Bruxvoort Colligan, Kim Schuster, and Barb Lace, for making the audio portion of the project a success!


The Sacred Self-Healing Method relies on the power of intention. Intentions are more than goals, but your co-creative participation in your life path and healing. By setting an intention you add your desire to be a partner in your destiny, in combination with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Whether you are setting an intention for a successful root canal, for finding a great new job, or for a business meeting to go well, the act of putting forethought about the outcome into the process can be a powerful tool.

Intention is the driving force behind any energy healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to prayer.

The universal equation for healing is:

Intention + Frequency = Healing

The “frequency” part of the equation is whatever healing modality is being used.

Intention can be used in health healing, job search, fitness, relationships, and pretty much everything.

This post has more information on the power of intention.

Join me!

If the ideas in this post resonate with you then you might be interested in learning about my offerings. I offer Sacred Self-Healingcoachingmeditations, and frequency healing classes, and I would love to connect with you!

Try the Sacred Self-Healing Method!

If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

Sign up for a group or individual session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in her BooksClick here for more information.

Check out this powerful frequency device

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Healy can be used to magnify your intention and to get the most out of your life. Check out this post for more about Healy. And this post for some tips and tricks for Healy.

Buy my books!

My books are available here.

Listen to my recordings!

Check them out for free here on my YouTube channel.

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor. 

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