
The Power of Forgiveness as a Healing Tool

This post discusses the power of forgiveness as a healing tool.

Ho’oponopono is a forgiveness and reconciliation practice has been performed on the islands of the South Pacific, including Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, and New Zealand for generations, and it translates roughly into English as “correction.” The ho’oponopono forgiveness phrases are: I’m sorry. Please Forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

Whenever I find I’ve become emotionally triggered and am not being my best self — if I’m projecting, judging, or blaming — I try to remember to use the ho’oponopono phrases to reset my mind. That is one way I practice forgiveness in my everyday life.

Why forgiveness?

Forgiveness feels amazing. Forgiveness puts you in the flow of LOVE. It connects you with your Source and sets you up to go through your day in the flow. When you chose forgiveness you are bothered less by minor setbacks and you are more loving. Forgiveness is a choice to connect with a higher vibration, to feel better, and to let go of what your think is defining you.

What do you mean by forgiveness?

Forgiveness has gotten a bad rap in our modern world because people think of it through a particular lens — the way religion, especially the Christian faith, portrays it.

Forgiveness is a core principle of the Sacred Self-Healing Method. And by forgiveness, I mean as it is viewed by A Course in Miracles, or the Course or ACIM, as it is sometimes known, which is not a religion.


Modern society is dualistic, so everything is good/bad, high/low, and rich/poor. And that reasoning creates our system of retributive justice, where there has to be a punishment for every wrong.

So with dualism, you may think of forgiveness as pardoning an offender, no matter what happened, and losing your power in the process. Or you might think about a victim telling a perpetrator to their face that they are forgiven. But this is not how I teach forgiveness.

It’s in your mind

From my perspective, forgiveness is a matter between you and God, not you and anyone else. The Course does not ask you to forgive a person or a situation; the Course suggests that you only want to see it differently.

This changes how you view everything in a radical way.

When you experience a difficult or horrible situation it still happened; it is the truth and reality as we know it on Earth. When something terrible happens, you still have to deal with it. But when you decide with your mind to see it differently it causes a massive shift. You can still have your feelings about it AND decide not to have it define you anymore.

It’s a miracle

A miracle is a shift of perception, that happens when you forgive, and the result of this shift is always peace, sometimes immediate, and other times within a longer timespan.

Your split mind

The problems you experience are not in the world, they are in your mind. And your mind is split between thinking or choosing with your ego, which wants to keep things retributive, or with your right mind, which is a choice for love.

The visual image I have of the split mind is this: When I realize I have made a mistake, and I need to forgive something, I imagine a screen in my mind. When the screen is pulled to the right I see bright white light in my mind’s eye, the light of truth, and this is my right mind. When the screen is pulled to the left, as it is most of the time when I am not conscious of what I am thinking or choosing, there is darkness, and I am with my ego.

To correct this, I say to myself that I want to choose to see with my right mind, and I pull the screen in my mind’s eye to the right, to let in the light.

The primary goal of forgiveness is peace. Peace is your birthright. You decide to see things differently so that you can be at peace. It’s not easy, but totally worth it.

Intention and frequency healing

All frequency healing works on the intention you set. With an intention you catapult your healing by directing frequency exactly where you want to apply it. Without an intention, you will still receive some benefits from frequency healing, but it can take much longer. Intention is the key to getting the most out of anything in life.

Intention setting is powerful because it signals your willingness to see things differently. And all it takes to put forgiveness in motion is a little willingness. So, intentions are more than goals, they join you with your Higher Teacher. When you set an intention, you combine your desire to be a partner in your healing with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Quantum physics has found that our thoughts can influence animate and inanimate objects. The same holds in your life. Whatever you put loving thoughts or positive energy toward has a greater chance of coming to fruition. You can influence your emotional, physical, and spiritual state by setting intentions.

The power of combining forgiveness with frequency

Forgiveness is just like any frequency modality, and when you combine forgiveness with Sound, Aroma, or a Frequency Device, you reap orders of magnitude in healing potential.

Join me!

If the ideas in this post resonate with you then you might be interested in learning about my offerings. I offer Sacred Self-Healingcoachingmeditations, and classes based on forgiveness, and I would love to connect with you!

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If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor.

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