frequency healing tool

My Favorite New Frequency Healing Tool

This post discusses my favorite frequency healing tool.

For years I’ve used a combination of forgiveness, sound healing, aromatherapy, crystals, EFT, EMDR, and the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in my Books, to facilitate healing for my clients and myself. I’m excited to share that I’ve been learning to use a new frequency healing tool called Healy to amplify the tools I already have and I’ve been seeing amazing results!

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Table of Contents

What is Healy

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Tiny amounts of healing current are delivered to your body and energy field through a small device that you can clip to your clothing or use with wristbands or electrodes.

What is FSM?

Healy is a type of Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM). FSM uses a tiny amount of electricity called microcurrent and can be used for vagal health, to calm mental symptoms, to aid sleep, and for injury to the body. I have used FSM for many years and have found it to be a wonderful therapy to use while addressing underlying infections and other triggers for my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Benefits of Healy over traditional FSM

I was surprised by how much easier Healy is to use compared to the cumbersome FSM machine I had been using. It’s much smaller, and for most programs, you don’t need electrodes. Healy comes in several models, and a couple of them can even analyze your energy field, your chakras and aura, and your nutritional status to determine which programs are most beneficial to run for your current issues. It can suggest dietary and lifestyle changes and assist with overcoming chronic unhealthy patterns.

Ways to use frequency healing

Healy can be used in a myriad of ways to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions. Healy’s programs can be used to address:

Healy can be used for healing general conditions, acute illnesses, mental states, and injuries. There are literally millions of frequency programs that can be applied to make you feel better.

Intention and frequency healing

All frequency healing works on the intention you set. With an intention you catapult your healing by directing frequency exactly where you want to apply it. Without an intention, you will still receive some benefits from frequency healing, but it can take much longer. The intention is the key to getting the most out of anything in life.

Intention setting is powerful because it signals your willingness to see things differently. And all it takes to put forgiveness in motion is a little willingness. So, intentions are more than goals, they join you with your Higher Teacher. When you set an intention, you combine your desire to be a partner in your healing with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Quantum physics has found that our thoughts can influence animate and inanimate objects. The same holds in your life. Whatever you put loving thoughts or positive energy toward has a greater chance of coming to fruition. You can influence your emotional, physical, and spiritual state by setting intentions.

The universal formula for frequency healing

Intention is the driving force behind any energy healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to prayer. Jonathan Goldman, in writing about the principle behind sound healing, says,

Intention + Sound = Healing

You can generalize this principle for any type of healing, whether it’s a medical or dental procedure, talk therapy, clinical aromatherapy, or music therapy:

Intention + Frequency = Healing

The “energy” part of the equation is whatever frequency healing modality is being used.

Combining Healy with forgiveness

Healy can also be used with forgiveness for faster, more powerful results. This is because when you combine intention with frequency you maximize healing.

Intention and frequency healing

All frequency healing works on the intention you set. With an intention you catapult your healing by directing frequency exactly where you want to apply it. Without an intention, you will still receive some benefits from frequency healing, but it can take much longer. Intention is the key to getting the most out of anything in life.

Intention setting is powerful because it signals your willingness to see things differently. And all it takes to put forgiveness in motion is a little willingness. So, intentions are more than goals, they join you with your Higher Teacher. When you set an intention, you combine your desire to be a partner in your healing with the seen and unseen forces at work in the Universe. Quantum physics has found that our thoughts can influence animate and inanimate objects. The same holds in your life. Whatever you put loving thoughts or positive energy toward has a greater chance of coming to fruition. You can influence your emotional, physical, and spiritual state by setting intentions.

Try the Sacred Self-Healing Method!

If you are interested in applying the power of intention to healing an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual aspect of your life then check out these powerful tools:

Take a class!

I offer experiential Classes so you can learn the Sacred Self-Healing Method yourself. Click the link for more information.

Sign up for a group or individual session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in her BooksClick here for more information.

Check out this power frequency device

Healy is an individualized specific microcurrent device (ISM) that runs beneficial electrical currents directed by an app on your phone. Healy can be used to magnify your intention and to get the most out of your life.

Buy my books!

My books are available here.

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Check them out for free here on my YouTube channel.

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The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor.

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